

三个月前, 我概述了在博彩平台网址大全改善社会公正和多样性的一系列初步步骤,努力使我们的大学成为反种族主义的典范和多样性方面的全国领导者, equity and inclusion in higher education. 我高兴地向大家报告,我们的同事们在这些倡议方面取得了显著进展. The following is the first quarterly report outlining progress on each.

Vice President for Diversity, 股本 and 包容: 我们成立了全国搜寻委员会,负责寻找太平洋公司的首任多元化副总裁, 股本 and 包容 (VPDEI), a new Cabinet-level position reporting directly to the President. Rae Matsumoto, dean of the Thomas J. Long School of 药店, is chairing the committee. The other members are, in alphabetical order:

  • Elisa Anders, Associate Provost
  • Rhonda Bryant, Associate Vice President for Student Well-Being / Dean of Students
  • Martin Camps, Professor, College of the Pacific
  • Glena Carroll, ’77, Amplify Voices, 校友 Representative
  • Aquila Galgon, Executive Director, 金融援助
  • Laura Hallberg, Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor, Benerd College
  • Randi Holguin, Student, ASuop President
  • Michael Hunter Schwartz, Dean, McGeorge School of 法律
  • Sacha Joseph-Mathews, Associate Professor, Eberhardt School of Business
  • JuEun Lee, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Semaj Martin, Student
  • Nader Nadershahi, Dean, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
  • Leonard Perry, Associate Head Coach, Men’s Basketball
  • Deadrin Peyton, Administrative Assistant, Department of Psychology
  • Madhu Sundarrajan, Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences

招聘委员会已经开了几次会,很快就会发布职位说明. 我们将要求你利用你的网络来帮助招聘委员会建立一个庞大的候选人库. This position will start July 1, 2021 with a candidate named by March.

School-Level DEI Leads: 我们为所有太平洋地区的学校和学院设定了一个目标,让他们拥有自己的校级DEI负责人, joining the Dugoni School of Dentistry, McGeorge School of 法律 and the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Here are the newly named DEI leads for each school:

  • Assistant Professor Marisella Guerrero | Thomas J. Long School of 药店
  • Assistant Professor Laura Hallberg | Benerd College
  • Associate Dean and Professor Scott Jensen | College of the Pacific
  • Associate Professor Sacha Joseph-Mathews | Eberhardt School of Business
  • Assistant Professor Gabriella Musacchia | School of Health Sciences
  • Assistant Dean Olivia Nash | 研究生 School
  • 维罗妮卡·威尔斯副教授,大学图书馆研究与学习服务部主任

他们将加入Dugoni牙科学院助理院长Stan Constantino的行列, 工程与计算机科学学院的多样性协调员帕特里夏·洛佩兹和麦克乔治法学院的副院长雷切尔·萨尔西多. An appointment is pending at the Conservatory of Music.


董事和DEI: 新成立的卓越校董会(Regents Committee on Excellence)将多样性问题确定为首要任务,并负责探索如何将多样性对话注入每次校董会. 与此同时, 摄政主席Norm Allen要求摄政委员会将董事会多元化作为首要任务,并确定可以被视为未来摄政的有色人种.

Mandatory Annual DEI Training for Faculty and Staff: 学术委员会和工作人员咨询委员会被要求考虑是否建议强制性的教育部门培训. Academic Council reported that it was supportive of mandatory training; the Staff Advisory Council is reviewing the request.

New Protections Against Racial Discrimination: 第九条协调员伊丽莎白·特雷纳(Elizabeth Trayner)成立了一个工作组,以制定新的、明确的保护措施,防止基于种族和其他身份的歧视和骚扰. 一项政策正在起草中,当准备好征求公众意见时,将与校园社区分享.

Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Faculty and Staff: 黛博拉·弗里曼, director of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, delivered her first quarterly report to Cabinet on Nov. 10, focusing on personnel movement by race, and made recommendations on how to improve diversity in our workforce. 内阁还要求审查离职面谈调查,我指示将所有离职面谈文件交给离职员工的直接主管和相应的副总裁或院长进行评估.

DEI Measures in Annual Evaluations: Human Resources is working with the University Committee on Diversity, 股本 and 包容 to create a new section of the annual employee evaluation. 该团队目前正在研究样本语言,并计划为2021年的评估准备新的DEI部分.

Fundraising 奖学金 Campaign for Black Students: 大学发展和校友关系副校长伯尼·阿特伯里报告了近200美元,000 in new gifts to support Black students, 其中包括97美元,700 raised for the new Lift Every Voice Endowed 奖学金, led by Regent Chair Norm Allen, 和87美元,为黑人学生设立多元化和包容性奖学金.

Elimination of Standardized Tests for 本科 入学s: 负责招生管理的副校长克里斯·弗格森(Chris Ferguson)正在对SAT和ACT的未来使用进行全面审查, which have been found to have cultural and socioeconomic biases. 这项审查的核心是一个新的整体申请评估过程,其中包括在塑造学生成功的新班级时需要权衡的更多变量. 博彩平台网址大全已经承诺,在过去的一年和未来的一年里,新生可以选择参加考试.

University Committee for Diversity, 股本 and 包容 (UCDEI): 该委员会, led by Marshea Pratt, assistant director of alumni clubs and regional programs, and Professor Qingwen Dong, director of the graduate program in communications, 通过参加人数众多的每周“太平洋在一起”系列活动,在本学期围绕社会正义和多样性问题开展对话方面发挥了主导作用. UCDEI赞助了12场关于社会问题的对话,共有近800名观众参加, cultural and structural inequities in society and helped educate, engage and encourage Pacificans to be leaders in the fight for social justice. 另外, UCDEI组织了一个“让我们谈谈星期二”的社交媒体活动来补充DEI的对话.

University Libraries Diversity Audit: 一个新成立的委员会正在组织和制定DEI审计整个大学图书馆馆藏的方法和标准, including printed materials, 电子书, 数据库, 特殊的集合, the art collection and Scholarly Commons. 副教务长兼临时大学图书管理员伊迪·斯帕克斯说,学生们将在春季学期通过实习和/或工作学习机会参与审计. The library plans to sponsor a series of conversations with students, 教职员工将于2021年秋季讨论审计结果,并在接下来的学期创建面向dei的未来图书馆采购指南.

Interactive Workshops on 法律 Enforcement: University Ombuds Hector Escalante, Dr. 咨询和心理服务的卡尔顿·奥勒和安全和安保执行主任格兰特·贝德福德于9月9日与太平洋社区举行了第一次讲习班. 10月30及10月30日. 21. 更多的 workshops are planned for the spring semester.

New DEI Programming for Students: 学生生活部本学期组织了数十个与dei相关的项目和活动, with an emphasis on financial aid education, 健康和福利, 学习技巧, 精神生活, gender equity and student success for Black, 拉丁美洲人, 印第安人, 亚裔美国人, LGBTQ and first-generation college students. 与此同时,ASuop正在分析本学期早些时候完成的焦点小组的结果.

I am enormously thankful to the dozens of Pacific faculty, 在过去的几个月里,在我们大学领导这些努力促进社会公正和多样性的员工和学生. We all should be proud of the progress, 但也要明白,这只是我们努力成为反种族主义模范大学和全国多样性领导者的开始, equity and inclusion in higher education.


